Is this platform suitable for me?

UWT is a low code platform that can reduce your development costs by up to 70%. Furthermore, it offers functionality rarely seen in (web) applications. But it is this versatility that makes the toolkit less-than-ideal for citizen developers.

After all, unskilled designers thrive on no code platforms. But no coding automatically limits you to the built-in options of a framework. Alternatively, UWT allows you to code any functionality needed, providing you with endless opportunities to automate any process and propel your business forward.

So, although a large part of this platform is configurable, implementation and customization are not included in the purchase of UWT. Therefore, we recommend our tool is used either by IT staff, or through one of our partners.

Use of our platform by IT staff

If you wish to do the development of the application yourself, please note that Java knowledge is required. Furthermore, you, or your IT department, will have to install and maintain the necessary hard- and software, such as:

  • An on-premise or cloud server,
  • Java,
  • IDE with GWT support,
  • An application server (Tomcat, Jetty,…),
  • A database, see here for supported databases,
  • A SSL certificate,
  • Monitoring, backups,
  • A helpdesk.

At GSoftware, the help we offer is related to bug reports, RFC’s and RFI’s.