Extend UWT with modules

UWT is build in a modular way. This means that all functionality: tables, layouts, views, rules, translations (everything) always belongs to a module. Even the UWT tool itself is a module. When you develop your application with UWT you do this by creating your own module. Modules can have dependencies meaning that a particular module can not work without another module also being available. Of course all modules require the UWT module to be available.

Currently two modules are available that you can use to extend UWT with new features:

Label printer module

This module allows for printing labels directly from the browser by the push of a button. These can be created by means of a mail-merge, meaning that you can create a label template with variables which will be replaced with actual values before the label is sent to the printer. This module will also allow you to see all the printers available on your PC such that you can select the appropriate label printer from the list.
This module works together with QZ-Tray which can be downloaded here and needs to be purchased separately.

Calendar module

The calendar module can be used for two purposes:

  • As a personal calendar where users can see their own appointments. It also allows for looking at other users calendar if they have given you permission to see their calendar.
  • A planning calendar where tasks to be performed can be divided over several people. These tasks can be moved by means of drag and drop from one person to another. You can also define a status flow for these tasks. Currently only one flow can be defined.

Interested in using one of these modules?

Please send us an email at info@ultimatewebtool.com and we will contact you.