What does it cost to create an application?

Even the simplest of web applications take three months to develop, but in general a year of development is nothing special. What if you could reduce this time to one third, saving months of development time, costs and time to market?

UWT has taken many years to develop, ensuring optimal performance, user experience and stability. All the standard functionality offered by UWT is used by many customers and has undergone years of testing, greatly reducing the risk of your next application.

What would all of this be worth to you? We believe we can offer an extensive web application for a very reasonable price. See below for all the details.

Subscription licenses

Both for security and stability reasons we currently only offer subscription licenses. This way we can assure that you always have acces to the latest UWT version containing the most recent security updates and bug fixes.

Licenses start at 3 instances, offering for example to create one application having a development, acceptance and production environment. Should you wish to build more applications, you can purchase more instances. Any PC or server running UWT code either from within your IDE or from an application server like Tomcat is considered one instance.

Subscription licenses can be purchased from the web shop and are valid for one year. After each year you can decide wether or not you want to continue using UWT and buy a new license for the coming year. License prices start at €2450.- for three instances with a limit of twenty users per instance.

Standard support

All the subscription licenses come with standard support consisting of free updates (about two per year) and the possibility to report bugs. Read also the EULA for details.

Extra support

In addition to the standard support you can buy support tickets from the web shop. These tickets give you the right to:

  • Get help related to problems with UWT or any implementation questions you might have (RFI),
  • Create a change request allowing you to ask for new functionality to be added to UWT (RFC). This however does not give you any rights about whether this request will be implemented or not. If a change request is implemented depends on the amount of customers that will benefit from it and the impact that the change has.

Third party libraries

Please note that some functionality requires you to buy libraries from third parties:

  • UWT has free built-in support for HighCharts graphs. To make use of these features, you will have to buy a separate HighCharts JS license from Highsoft.
  • Merging documents in HTML comes standard with UWT. If you want these documents converted to PDF (to be sent as an email attachment) you will additionally need the itextpdf library. Click on the link for more information and purchase.


UWT is build in a modular way. Following modules are available allowing to even further extend the capabilities of UWT:

  • Label printing support in combination with QZ tray. A license for QZ tray will need to be purchased separately.
  • Calendar functionality offering both a personal and a planning calendar.

If you are interested in purchasing one of these modules please contact us by sending an email.


We at GSoftware prefer things to be transparent and clear when it comes to money. Any questions regarding above prices? Please send us an email at info@ultimatewebtool.com.