Why UWT is the Ultimate Web Tool

Key advantages of our web application builder:

  • Rapid development
  • Low-risk
  • Highly versatile

Reduce time to market and risk

UWT has many built-in features, so that you only have to add what is specific to your process. You provide the data model to support this process and UWT configures the web app to anything you want it to be. As a result, development time can be decreased by as much as 70%, depending on the complexity of your application.

Furthermore, built with UWT, your web application consists for a large part of standard code. That code is the same for all applications. And since UWT is used by our clients on a daily basis, any bugs that might occur in the standard functionalities are detected and solved quickly. Therefore, the risk of using UWT is remarkably low.

Comprehensive and easy to use

Unlike a no-code web application builder, UWT is not limited to the functionalities it offers, as coding can still be done. You only need to add what is specific to your process – rendering this a toolkit that allows for truly custom, yet rapid web application development.

For instance, you won’t need to do any coding to show data in the user interface. Also, it has a built-in dashboard, monitoring CPU load, RPC performances and more, allowing you to act before it breaks. We also offer support for HighCharts®, so that you can easily create a number of graphical charts. Finally, the server runs on Windows and Linux and offers support for MySQL, SQL server an Oracle 12c, allowing you to select any hosting provider you wish.

UWT’s standard functionality:

  • Logon screen,
  • User accounts,
  • User groups and authorization,
  • Data encryption using either AES or Triple DES,
  • Organizations and persons,
  • Configurable screen layout, with possibility to edit this layout by means of drag and drop,
  • Configurable views with export (CSV or Excel),
  • Configurable themes allowing to restyle the application without have to edit the style sheet,
  • Separate user interface for both desktop and tablet,
  • Data persistence (storing and retrieving data from your database),
  • Data import (CSV and XML) and export (XML),
  • Backup and restore using SQL insert statements and optional compression (LZ4).
  • HighCharts® Graphs support (to be purchased separately),
  • Localization, allowing the translation of tables, fields, messages, labels, menus and buttons,
  • Document repository for easy document upload and download,
  • Maintenance dashboard to monitor memory, CPU load, RPC performance, interfaces, schedules, …
  • Configurable business logic for simple rules, possibility to code complex business logic,
  • Document merging to either HTML or PDF (additional libraries required).
  • Configurable emails using merged documents as content or attachment.
  • Configurable SOAP(XML) and REST(JSON) interfacing with possibility to create an API,
  • Build in FTP support,
  • Scheduling of jobs like backups, interfaces, SQL queries,…
  • Manuals for classes (tables), fields, functions, menu items, etc.
  • Ready for automated testing using tools like TestComplete,
  • Lots more…

Create an application with the Ultimate Web Tool?

Are you convinced that our web application builder is indeed the ultimate web tool?

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