What has UWT been used for?

Due to its versatility, our web application development tool has been used for a wide variety of applications. Really, any application that mainly focuses on data entry is a candidate for our RAD tool.

Below we give a few examples of how UWT has been applied. We hope these will help to give you an idea of what its possibilities are. Are you not sure whether UWT is the right tool for you? Then contact us to find out more. We can be reached at info@ultimatewebtool.com.

Improved training regimen in a sports medical center

Imagine having a sport’s injury. You are dutifully doing your exercises to heal. But how do you know if the results are paying of sufficiently? Should you do more? How do you compare to others?

With UWT an application was developed, allowing clients to find out answers to exactly these questions. Nowadays, when people practice, their data is added to the system. Their results are then compared to others with approximately the same profile. Appealing graphical charts visualize the results, enabling them to adapt their training regimen accordingly.

Optimized repair process in mobile phone shop

An internationally operating mobile phone manufacturer wanted to optimize the repair process in their shops by automating the flow. Their process included receipts, interfaces with the manufacturer’s backend system, repair letters, printing labels, status dashboard and much more. Our rapid web application development tool delivered a highly useful app, resulting in a perfect overview of the sort of repairs (hardware or software related), the amount of time spend in the repair process, parts used,  the issues experienced – per shop, enabling Head Quarters to further optimize and live up to both client’s and employee’s expectations.

Better reports in charity organization

Operating multiple shops all over the Netherlands, this charity organization uses a number of computer systems containing data that needed to be combined (ETL layer) for producing reports. Among these are a financial system, cash registers and a warehouse management system.

In order to gain a better understanding of results, a web application was build using UWT. In this application, the built-in graphical functionality (HighCharts™) is used to create charts showing financial results, production results and conversion rates in shops. The built-in interfacing capabilities SOAP and REST interfaces, JDBC queries and scheduling functionality are used to create the ETL layer. Only two pages of code were needed to create this application, and better insights have been achieved ever since!

Try our web application development tools – for free

Are you interested in finding out what our web application development tool can do for you? Then read more about UWTs functionalities or download the 30-day free trial version.